Sep 9, 2021Liked by Julian Vigo, Savage Minds

Wouldn’t it be a good thing if the journalists code also had “to watch out for the feelings of vulnerability, harassment, discrimination and privacy” that real women might feel when they are being reported?

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There are serious problems with how these codes have been targeted for the sole purpose of advancing ideology over facts. That journalism is now expected to lie in confirming individuals’ “personal truths” we must wonder why journalists are not being forced to list everyone’s zodiac sign.

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Sep 11, 2021Liked by Julian Vigo

As a former journalist, I found that it hindered reporting of a story when I concerned myself with the feelings of those on whom I was reporting. I really think that worrying about anyone's feelings should not be in the job description of Journalist. Feelings are largely irrelevant in reporting a story and should not a big part of how a story is reported.

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Sep 11, 2021Liked by Julian Vigo

I spoke with Lois Bennett of The Guardian for an hour after the second protest, for her second Wi Spa piece. She then ignored everything I had to say. She really did seem to not have much understanding of the "gender critical" POV at all, which is odd because journalists are supposed to be curious people, and the info is far from hard to find. I'm surprised that Bennett is so willing to put her future career in possible jeopardy by attaching her name (and reputation as a journalist) to such blatantly biased reporting. As a former journalist, I'm embarrassed for her. It's not like people are going to forget that she didn't even make a pretense of impartiality; will that cause people to question her future work? I think what she's doing is professionally foolhardy at best.

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It is amazing that any of these journalists are employed. You cannot call yourself a journalist and behave like public relations officer for a cause.

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Julian I am no longer getting emails from you, how do I get back on the mailing list?

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If you go here https://savageminds.substack.com/subscribe you can select the free option which should put you on the list immediately. :)

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