Superb as ever. There is so little understanding of Foucault. Thank you for explaining the actual errors of Foucault as well as debunking these falsely-claimed "errors".

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I have read Heather for several years. I have yet to read of her account of the proof she states Foucault's defenders give. Her account here does not do so. He comes across as an account of "he said, he said." Doesn't this need to be more clearly presented by her? Frankly, I am sick of the man. Can't she find any other ways to express her ideas than through this man?

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We suggest you read the many articles which demonstrate the smear campaign by Sorman. It's simply not good enough to say "this man" repeatedly and run with accusations that have been thoroughly debunked. Repeating a lie is simply another lie. We can do better for victims of sexual violence.

Trying reading the pieces on this because if your curiosity was not piqued by the sudden prise de conscience di Sorman fifty years later, it should have:


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And another. There are so many pieces on this take apart the accusations, and quite easily, that we must beware of accepting those who use a dead person's name to sell a badly-written book, on the heels of actual victims of paedophilia


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"The sordid story is going around that Foucault sodomized little boys in Moslem graveyards while he was teaching at the University of Tunis in the late 1960’s. It is due to a certain Guy Sorman who describes himself as a “leading French intellectual” but is in reality a self-promoting right-wing hack who has spent his career lauding the miracle of unrestrained capitalism. Sorman launched his attack in the middle of March on French media and then repeated it to The Times of London on March 28, 2021. He said that that after more than fifty years his conscience had suddenly awoken and forced to tell his story. We don’t know what really motivates him. Is he just someone who is pining for attention? An idle gossip? Is he simply mistaking the facts after so many years? Or suffering from the first signs of dementia?"


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Are you stalking Heather then, and just here to heckle? If not, perhaps read Foucault for yourself and you might discover the value of his analysis for better understanding the world we find ourselves in today. As Heather does.

Many of the ancient Greek mathematicians would no doubt qualify as actual paedophiles by today's standards. Your suggestion would be therefore that we must teach Pythagoras' Theorem without mentioning 'that man' Pythagoras?

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Apologies, Gilgamech for offending you. I just think women should come up with their own thoughts on gender without harkening back to a man who had no use for women, whether or not he was a pedophile, which I have no idea whether he was or not.

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And as for stalking, I have never stalked anyone in my mind and it would never occur to me to do so. Good grief!

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I think the jury's still out on this one and isn't coming back. Not that there should be any special merit in posthumous conviction and trial by Internet and social media, and obviously it is imperative to uphold the basic principle of a justice based society "innocent until proven guilty". However according to a Tunisian writer writing in Al Jazeera the rumours and allegations of Foucault's conduct in Tunisia are by no means based solely on Sorman's allegations. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/4/16/reckoning-with-foucaults-sexual-abuse-of-boys-in-tunisia

and presumably also pre-date his allegations. That is still not proof and we cannot just assume him guilty, but also it is a shade naive just to assume actual innocence squares with legal innocence in Foucault's case. The dilemma is much the same as that with the Manchester United footballer Mason Greenwood who has been acquitted of the crime of attempted rape or rather the case has been dropped after he settled out of court with the plaintiff. Few believe him truly innocent however, and the football club won't have him back on the pitch at least until they have conducted their own investigation. They will probably reach some agreement to sell or offload him before that happens.

But yeah, in my perspective the reasonable suspicion against Foucault shouldn't detract from being able to read, discuss and evaluate his theory on it's own merit.

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And further I have bought her books and read them.

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