There were 5 feminists there including two lesbians - before Vito and Rick arrived. We were getting a lot of media attention and really enjoyed it when the comedy boys arrived with their 'Jokes Are Funny' signs. We made contact, thanked them for being there, but then ALL focus went over to them. We all got interviewed in teams and individually by no less than 9 international press reporters and tied in free speech & named many dangers of the gender ideology INDU$TRY. Yet 99.9% of our message was scrubbed from the press coverage. #TeamTerf

We were there. One of our signs was stolen by a 6'5" TRA & we took it back.

Don't forget us Vito! Invite us on your show! We are allies in this!

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Vito, I'm not surprised that this is "doing your head in" as we say in the UK. But thank you for turning up to the protest and representing reality in such an intelligent and humorous way. Sorry that it got so crazy, but also good to have that video footage out there for all to see!

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