Pauline Hanson was right. I voted for her in the last election for the first time ever and will continue to do so.

Lock the borders, especially to Muslims. After all, if I tried to enter one of their countries without documentation they'd just kill me, no niceties like camps or deportation.

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It was not 'illegal' in 1780 to move to empty land. Yes, it was almost empty. International law is a western construct.

The fruits of the land were not being used by the primitive people on it.

And it is getting to the point that multiculturalism and woke pro immigration - something I've espoused for 30 years - is being shown to be a mistake.

The West is the source of all the ideas the woke whine for.

That said, Australia should take in foreigners. I just expect the foreigners, from the UK to the US to France to respect what we are proud of, and join. Otherwise, bugger off.

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