May 4, 2021Liked by Savage Minds

As to your question, Julian, about why so many women support transgenderism, and all these reasons I suggest here have been suggested by others: 1) many women want to be kind, as in the main, we are socialized to be kind, to acquiesce to others, at our own expense; 2) women (and men), as Maya stated, are afraid to speak up lest they lose their status; and, tragically, 3) so many women still internalize misogyny and their failure to support women is indicative of that belief system. Maya mentioned that institutions, supported by foundations, government, corporations, are afraid to lose their funding. They also may have been taken in by the ideas of liberal feminists and the men who run pornography, prostitution, and commercial surrogacy, and the so-called sex-positive professors. The latter beliefs are consistently supported by most men.

Re autogynephilia, there is a lot of it about, perhaps much more than anyone realized. That may account for why there are so many heterosexual males who support this movement. Cross-dressing has always been a habit of elites, at elite gatherings and of course secretly in the home and so many elite males are willing to support this movement. Cross-dressers are almost always heterosexuals. Even at gay venues, cross dressers have traditionally been heterosexual males. I am embarrassed for these men, and even have compassion for them, but so many now show their contempt for women my compassion loses out due to their hatred of us. I support their right to dress as they please, but it is so apparent their idea of femininity is regressive and based of rigid stereotypes which are artificial and harmful. What is the nature of cross-dressers? They want affirmation now, complete and open acceptance. They must know they aren't women. What is the nature and source of their resentments, their hatred of women (that hatred in most, but not all, is very apparent in the activism). I would love to know the family histories of these men. You are right, this isn't being discussed. Hardly any of the truly awful things men do are discussed in our culture.They are accepted by default, natural, and to suggest they arewrong and should be changed, well good luck with that: wars and their attendant horrors, predatory business practices, killing the planet, and certainly not crimes against women and children. It is accepted as reality and women (and men who object) just have to put up with it. I find the kind of male sexual behavior taught by media and enabled by technology, especially pornography, truly repellent and bizarre and so many women feel compelled to acquiesce to it. IMO, sex and gender, and the distinction between the two, should be subject, like any other subject, to criticism and condemnation. Well, I have said enough, except that, with all my knowledge of the history of women and of what men have done to women, nothing has prepared me for what is happening now with respect to this ideology. As if prostitution, pornography, sex robots, what is being done to trans children and adolescents, illicit medical research on human bodies (especially that of females) and the fiddling with the human genome (Harper's Magazine recently reported in one of their weekly reviews a case of a scientist who is working on mixing the DNA of humans and monkeys and ask Why? Why indeed) were not problematic enough, we now have this bizarre transgender movement that shows not only contempt for women but fear of the homosexual. Whatever it is, it is definitely a men's rights movement masquerading as a social justice movement and it harming not only women but children of both sexes.

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Great, really enjoyed that. I am already familiar with Maya's story but each time hearing it I get something new from her, as well in Julian's interviews from her.

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Love hearing Maya speak. Such a thoughtful woman.

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