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The mainstream media has to work very hard to maintain the control of the narrative for the imperialist powers by promoting 'liberal' values whilst denying liberation and encouraging us to forget the history of our own working class. Despite this resistance breaks through even in our debased parliamentary democracy we now have 5 MPs elected on a pro-Gaza platform and 4 Greens also elected on platform supportive of Gaza. So whilst I recognise that in the imperialist heartlands we are encouraged to see others as subhuman - the Palestinians, the 'boat' people, etc - I do find the concept of Eurocentrism odd. Particularly when we are asked to abandon the enlightenment on which modern socialism is built, and when we are asked to believe that the idea that there are two sexes (in the 'heteronormative patriarchy the writer refers to) is a western idea then I am even more confused. Gender ideology is the very essence of modern muddled elitist liberal thinking and an ideology we are trying to impose it on the rest of the world. It is causing disarray - having the effect of pushing people to the right to find some intellectual sanity - and then because they have moved to the right they embrace the dehumanisation of Palestinians.

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