The new policy in Taiwan is to some extent a fruit of the war in Ukraine, where many Cold War technologies like HIMARS are being tested in a live experiment. It is responsive to Chinese interest in Ukraine this February, when Russian invasion was renewed, until "Thornbush" tactics prevailed. Taiwan is requesting a weapons mix designed to keep Chinese air and sea power at standoff distance and respond to invasion with a combination of regular and irregular forces using 21st Century tools. I am a bit less sanguine about the chances of Pacific war than I was a few months ago. China is the most liable actor to choose war. If they did invade Taiwan, I expect it would go rather much like the first time a Chinese fleet landed troops on the island, i.e. not very well, and that prospect probably does make China a little angry.

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Archduke was exactly who came to mind when I read of this hubristic venture by Pelosi.

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