Savage Minds
Savage Minds Podcast
Jennifer Sharp

Jennifer Sharp


Jennifer Sharp, an award-winning filmmaker, discusses her latest film Andecdotals (2022), which she produced and directed after having an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine and finding herself mandated out of polite society. Discussing her motivation for making her film, Sharp details a story of medical malfeasance, pharmacetical and scientific fraud, and documents the wider theatre where Big Pharma, the FDA and the CDC have failed to appropriately test, trial, and scientifically document these COVID-19 “vaccines” to include occluding the possibility for trial participants to document adverse reactions that were not included in a narrow list of choices. Discussing how the trails did not demonstrate a reduction of deaths, Sharp elaborates the medical and pharmaceutical fraud behind the pandemic’s mantra—“follow the science”—because much of the “science” was based on secret, unscientific data which companies like Pfizer tried unsuccessfully to bury for 75 years. Sharp evidences the many cases of adverse reactions and how many such cases were eclipsed within the trial literature with some cases being entirely misrepresented: “data” from the trials was gamed. Noting how governments around the planet protected Big Pharma by extending these companies total immunity from legal liability, Sharp vituperates a very sick and inbred system in the United States where there is frequent phenomenon of members of FDA who retire only to take up posh positions in Big Pharma in what she calls a “good ole’ boys club.”

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