Dr Sachs' report is extraordinarily important. Highly recommended. Essential reading.

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'...Perhaps the most basic fact of deep societal change is uncertainty, and the most basic reaction to uncertainty is fear....' We know what you are referring to. Nevertheless, there are many aspects to 'uncertainty' worth considering. One is that, if everything were certain then nothing would matter. When we recognize and confront uncertainty, value emerges – we "see" what matters, suddenly, where before there were only undifferentiated contingencies. But, yes, fear is probably the most basic reaction to uncertainty, as we suddenly fear losing what matters to us and those we care for. Certainty itself, well, then you know what you can and cannot control, what you can and cannot do. That doesn't mean you're going to succeed by merely being certain, yet it is the next step after recognizing uncertainty and seeing what matters. Clarity in understanding in that moment and after is essential to dealing with fear and arriving at certainty. Yes?

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