"France never really came to terms with its colonial heritage or its colonial mindset." Most French people are sick of this claim. They have come to terms with it since De Gaulle for lords sake. As have Europeans elsewhere.
What is a colonial mindset? Does it stop the police making mistakes/young kids screwing up?
More to the point is ongoing criminality in immigrant parts of France's cities.
The endless claim that Europeans have not sufficient cried tears for long ago events is meaningless, to a progressive, let alone a conservative.
When will India, Africa, the Arab world, Asian nations come to terms with its historical sins?
Or is it just European nations that have to somehow apologize?
As in the US, don't commit crimes, you don't get shot. If I run away from the cops in an all white/Asian town, without a license, they might well make mistakes there too.
"He described making a first attempt to pull over the powerful yellow Mercedes being driven in a bus lane by Nahel, who did not have a licence.
The teenager refused to comply and accelerated to a speed of 80-100 km/h (40-60 mph), according to the second officer involved in the incident."
"France never really came to terms with its colonial heritage or its colonial mindset." Most French people are sick of this claim. They have come to terms with it since De Gaulle for lords sake. As have Europeans elsewhere.
What is a colonial mindset? Does it stop the police making mistakes/young kids screwing up?
More to the point is ongoing criminality in immigrant parts of France's cities.
The endless claim that Europeans have not sufficient cried tears for long ago events is meaningless, to a progressive, let alone a conservative.
When will India, Africa, the Arab world, Asian nations come to terms with its historical sins?
Or is it just European nations that have to somehow apologize?
As in the US, don't commit crimes, you don't get shot. If I run away from the cops in an all white/Asian town, without a license, they might well make mistakes there too.
"He described making a first attempt to pull over the powerful yellow Mercedes being driven in a bus lane by Nahel, who did not have a licence.
The teenager refused to comply and accelerated to a speed of 80-100 km/h (40-60 mph), according to the second officer involved in the incident."